• 196 voises
  • 1007 samples
  • 18 languages

Alexander Khonin
Different reading style voice talent
  • > DFM AX7, Indian Shop, Find Your Harmony, Enter Shop, Flamingo, Discount Center for Economical Construction, Alfa Finance, 004
  • > Takes from commercials
  • > Ground cracked crust

Alexander Khonin

Alexander Khonin is a professional Russian voice-over owner of image voice. Winner of a wide intonation range. His voice will not just tell, but sell.




Russian voice actor Alexander Khonin is engaged in dubbing informational, artistic and promotional audio and video clips. His voice has the characteristics of bass and baritone. The broad palette of possibilities of this announcer will help to animate the text or give a voice to the character on the screen. To see this, listen to the demos presented on our website.


Note that a low male voice is especially in demand in the advertising field. In particular, ultra-low voices are most often used for slogans. At the subconscious level, they are associated with authority and potential dominance.




Alexander Khonin has all the skills for professional and quick voice acting: a set voice, precise diction, competent speech, resourcefulness, naturalness. Professionalism allows him to avoid the sterile atmosphere of the studio. His professional skills make it possible to convey to the audience the semantic layer embedded in the text by a copywriter. The latter is possible only with articulatory accuracy.


Alexander seeks to satisfy the needs of any client and practices an individual approach to each project. Professionalism and rich experience allow him to grasp the essence of the task on the fly and fulfill all customer requirements.


You can find out the approximate cost of cooperation with this speaker using a special online calculator. The final calculation is carried out after discussing the details of the project. Remember: a well-chosen voice is a guarantee that the project will succeed.


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